Nikita Lukinov piano recital

Heralded for “ music-making at its finest” and praised as “Exceptional talent” (The Scotsman), Nikita Lukinov is one of the most exciting pianists of his generation. He has performed as a soloist all over Europe, appearing at Wigmore Hall and many other prestigious venues.

Read more about the remarkable young Nikita here.




SCHUMANN Études Symphoniques Op.13


The Études Symphoniques Op.13, is a set of studies for solo piano by Robert Schumann. It began in 1834 as a theme and sixteen variations on a theme by Baron von Fricken, plus a further variation on an entirely different theme by Heinrich Marschner.

·         Theme – Andante [C♯ minor]

·         Etude I (Variation 1) – Un poco più vivo [C♯ minor]

·         Etude II (Variation 2) – Andante [C♯ minor]

·         Etude III – Vivace [E Major]

·         Etude IV (Variation 3) – Allegro marcato [C♯ minor]

·         Etude V (Variation 4) – Scherzando [C♯ minor]

·         Etude VI (Variation 5) – Agitato [C♯ minor]

·         Etude VII (Variation 6) – Allegro molto [E Major]

·         Etude VIII (Variation 7) – Sempre marcatissimo [C♯ minor]

·         Etude IX – Presto possibile [C♯ minor]

·         Etude X (Variation 8) – Allegro con energia [C♯ minor]

·         Etude XI (Variation 9) – Andante espressivo [G♯ minor]

·         Etude XII (Finale) – Allegro brillante (based on Marschner's theme) [D♭ Major]


LISZT Sonata in B minor S.178


The Sonata in B minor, S.178 by Franz Liszt was completed in 1853 and published in 1854 with a dedication to Robert Schumann. The Sonata was dedicated to Robert Schumann, in return for Schumann's dedication of his Fantasie in C major, Op.17 (published 1839) to Liszt. It was Schumann’s contribution to a fund that Liszt was organising to erect a monument in Bonn to Beethoven.


A copy of the work arrived at Schumann's house in May 1854, after he had entered the Endenich sanatorium. Pianist and composer Clara Schumann did not perform the Sonata despite her marriage to Robert Schumann: according to scholar Alan Walker she found it "merely a blind noise". It was first performed on 27 January 1857 in Berlin by Hans von Bülow. It was attacked by Eduard Hanslick who said "anyone who has heard it and finds it beautiful is beyond help". Johannes Brahms reputedly fell asleep when Liszt performed the work in 1853. However, the Sonata drew enthusiasm from Richard Wagner following a private performance of the piece by Karl Klindworth in April 1855.


The Sonata unfolds in approximately 30 minutes of unbroken music. While its distinct movements are rolled into one, the entire work is encompassed within an overarching sonata form — exposition, development, and recapitulation. Liszt effectively composed a sonata within a sonata, which is part of the work's uniqueness, and he was quite economical with his thematic material. The first page contains three motive ideas that provide the basis for nearly all that follows, with the ideas being transformed throughout.



If you would like to attend the concert at the British Institute Library, please register here or write an email to  

All participants are invited to wear a mask throughout the event. 


This is an in person-only event.


Music al British is generously supported by Jill and Mike Carpenter