Home What's On Special Events Special Events 6 March - 10 April Speaking through Colour The paintings of John Griffiths in dialogue with works from The Levett Collection. At the British Institute Library 1 April - 18:30 Wine Tasting - Vignamaggio Talk and Taste At the British Institute Library 7 April - 18:30 drinks; 19:00 start Sex and Solitude – Arturo Galansino and Christian Levett discuss the life and work of Tracey Emin At the British Institute Library 9 April - from 09:00 to 17:00 Visiting La Foce’s gardens with author Katia Lysy Tour bus will leave Florence at 9:00 and should be back in town by 17:00. 12 April - 9:00-13:00 Illuminating the Past A workshop to create a Renaissance illuminated letter SOTTO AL BRITISH, Lungarno Guicciardini n.15 see Past Events