Gold Membership

Taking out a Gold Membership is a great option for those who value the Institute and expect to participate frequently.
By taking out a Gold Membership you will be entitled to the following benefits:
- 50% discount for all Cultural Programme events (Wednesday Lectures, Music al British, Meet the Author and Lungarno Chats)
- 10% discount for up to 20 History of Art sessions (= a 4 week course)
- 10% discount on up to 20 Italian group lessons (= a 4 week course)
- Full access to the Library and Library Services
Annual subscription: € 200
Under-25 subscription : € 100
3-month Gold subscriptions are also available at € 90 (€ 40 for under-25), with same benefits except 10% discount for History of Art and Italian classes applicable to up to 10 sessions only.
Sign up here or email us on; call us on +39 055 26778270; or come by the Library (opening hours 14:30-18:30 Monday to Friday).