Writers Brainstorm

Every third Tuesday of the month, 19:00-21:00

As writers, we all have moments when we’re stuck: an elusive title, an obstinate character, a plot that has run aground, the merest kernel of a story idea. Brainstorming in a group setting generates energy, pumps new life into the creative process, and is an extremely effective way to give your creative muscles a workout. Come ready to share in a supportive environment and join in with your fresh ideas. 
Donation: 10 Euro, includes wine refreshments 
OrganiserLori Hetherington
At SOTTO al British, Lungarno Guicciardini n.15
Biography: Since 1992 Lori Hetherington has been weaving words as an Italian-English translator, ghostwriter, editor, proofreader, emerging author, and linguistic consultant. An atmosphere of teamwork brings out the best in her.
She’s drawn to projects that pluck at her heart strings and works in a wide range of genres from literary, historical and women’s fiction to memoir, hybrid cookbooks, and narrative nonfiction. She’s currently translating the first book in a historical mystery series. Find her at: https://lhetheringtontranslation.com/