The Philosopher-Magus

Thursday 8th February at 18:00


How do we classify men like Pico della Mirandola and Marsilio Ficino? They were relentless seekers of truth—looking for it everywhere and in everything—shifting their focus from philosophy to magic and back again in an attempt to explain their interior world as well as the world around them. We will meet the people who inhabited this strange place that was at once dreamlike and practical, active and contemplative, magical and scientific—scratching the surface of what it meant to be a ‘Renaissance Man’.


In person:  €40 per session / €200 for full course

On Zoom: €30 per session / €150 for full course 

For further information and enrolment, please  write to us on, or call us on  +39 055 2677 8270 (between 11:30 and 18:30 CET)