The Tarot Player

Thursday 14th March at 18:00


The Tarot Player:  The first modern tarot decks made their debut on the European stage in chic Italian cities like Milan, Ferrara, and Florence in the 15th c. Though initially played as a trick game, the origins of tarot reach back into ancient mystery traditions that were of great interest to the Renaissance elite commissioning sets of these wondrous cards. This session dives deep into some of the oldest and most beautiful decks and the patrons who had them made. 


In person:  €40 per session / €200 for full course

On Zoom: €30 per session / €150 for full course 

For further information and enrolment, please  write to us on, or call us on  +39 055 2677 8270 (between 11:30 and 18:30 CET)